Contact Me for a Free Consultation 225-408-0362

Political Office Crimes

Sometimes being elected to a Political Office can make you a target. I have represented many elected officials over the years and it has been my experience that your political enemies will do almost anything to bring you down -- including alleging criminal conduct. You must be prepared to fight these charges, not only in a Courtroom but in the public.

At the State level, the Prosecutor's favorite charge is " Malfeasance in Office".  See La. R.S. 14:133. This a very generally and  times vaguely worded Statute that a prosecutor can use to charge a public official. It essentially provides that Malfeasance in office is performing any of your duties "in an unlawful manner". We have won many cases with this charge.

The Federal prosecutors have a array of Statutes that they can and will use against Public Officials , including wire fraud , mail fraud, RICO, and others. Likewise we have success in defending these charges. 

When necessary we have retained PR firms to assist us in defending our clients in the " Court of Public Opinion.

Contact Me Today

John S. McLindon is committed to answering your questions about Criminal Defense and Personal Injury law issues.

I offer a Free Consultation and I'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact me today to schedule an appointment.
