Both the Federal and the State government prosecute gun violations. At the Federal level, the most common charge is being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. However there are many other ways ways a person can violate Federal gun laws. See 18 USC 922.
At the State level again there are several ways a person can be in violation of State gun laws. See La. R.S. 14:95 . The one we see most is being in possession of controlled dangerous substances ( i.e. drugs) while in possession of a firearm.
What constitutes " possession " of a firearm can also be confusing. The firearm does not have to be on your person. If you have access to it ,you are deemed to be in constructive possession.
There are many gray areas in the field of firearms law , including the interplay between State and Federal law, and when you get your gun rights back after a conviction. Call me for an appointment so that we can go over these in greater detail.